45 research outputs found

    Development of 3D real estate cadastre data model

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    Катастар непокретности у Србији се заснива на 2Д катастарским плановима и процедурама које не подржавају недвосмислену регистрацију и приказивање комплексних 3Д ситуација и сложених објеката. Ове потешкоће су посебно изражене у урбаним срединама. Циљ ове докторске дисертације је да истражи на који начин се могу превазићи потешкоће катастра непокретности у Србији када је реч о регистрацији комплексних 3Д ситуација...The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that do not support unequivocal registration and visualization of complex 3D property situations and complex objects, especially in urban areas. Тhe aim of this doctoral dissertation is to research how the difficulties of 3D complex situations registration in Serbia can be overcome..

    Critical stages for successful implementation of land readjustment in Serbia

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    The subject of the study in this paper is the use of land readjustment as an instrument for the implementation of urban plans in Serbia. The possibility of successful implementation of land readjustment depends on many factors that are specific to a particular society and a country: the current state of urban development, socio-economic relations, history, tradition, law, the legal system, economy, needs, natural characteristics, demographic characteristics, etc. Therefore, with the aim of the successful implementation of land readjustment in Serbia, it is necessary to perform a detailed analysis of all mentioned factors and identify the critical stages in the process which will provide proper decision-making in respect of the implementation of land readjustment. As critical phases, we identified: The analysis of urban plan adequacy, consideration of distribution criteria, consideration of the distribution of benefits from increased land value and public areas structure analysis. Each of these stages is further processed. The decisions that need to be made in order to achieve the best possible results of the implementation of land readjustment are presented

    Development of client application for Fleet Management

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    Fleet Management is a result of the development of several technologies and it is one of the most widely used LBS (Location Based Services) scenarios. The use of these systems is to reduce costs, make greater efficiency and optimization in the fleet management. The system for Fleet Management – MobTrack:24, owing to its open architecture based on Web services offers the possibility of easy further development of the system. Due to this fact, a group of students has developed an application that allows end-users easy access to the system by using any Web browser. This project has been realized within the subject named »Location-based services«. This solution enables the display of the current position and the basic data, as well as a history of movement for one or more vehicles

    The possibility of applying land readjustment in Serbia

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    Basic principles of land readjustment as tool for urban planning from the aspect of its usage considering current circumstances in Serbia are explained in the paper. The most common issues that urbanization in Serbia is dealing with and potential usage of land readjustment in solving those issues are analyzed in the paper. The potential benefits of applying land readjustment are represented on both, government and its structures and on land owners. Potential difficulties which may be expected while introducing land readjustment and possibilities of their exceeding have been identified

    Implementation of Land Readjustment in Serbia – Based on Experiences in the City of Bor

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    The paper presents the process of implementing land readjustmentin the Republic of Serbia from the initial thinking, through the intensification of research and pilot projects to the first projects that are implemented in practice.The work discussed the observed problems related to the selection of the area, the initiation of the procedure, legal regulations, the competences of the commission for land readjustment, the rights and obligations of the participants, the quality of urban plans and their implementation, the resolution of property legal relations, the correction of errors in the general plan and the detailed regulation plan, and final activities, with registration in the real estate cadastre of the new state.The work is based on the acquired experiences of implementing land readjustment in the city of Bor in the Republic of Serbia

    3D Cadastral Data in The Process of Urban Planning

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    Cadastral data are very important in the process of urban planning. Moreover, cadastral data present a spatial base for urban planning decisions. Over the last few decades, research on 3D cadastres have been performed raising worldwide awareness of the need for 3D cadastral systems. This was driven by the development of new technologies for the acquisition, storage, maintenance, and visualization of 3D data as well as by complex situations in urban areas that cannot be unequivocally registered in 2D based cadastral systems. This paper examines the 3D cadastral data and emphasizes the differences between traditional cadastral data and 3D cadastral data. An overview of 3D cadastral systems was provided, the basic description of 3D cadastre data, and examples of the real situations that traditional cadastral systems cannot handle and unequivocally register. The paper further presents what would be clear benefits for urban planning once the 3D cadastre system is implemented. It is emphasized how important is 3D geometry and data on ownership for underground constructions and utility networks. Conclusions were provided and what needs to be fulfilled to effectively use 3D cadastral data in the process of urban planning

    Molecular and crystal structures of Zn(II) complexes with thiazolyl-hydrazones

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    Нови комплекси цинка(II) са лигандима на бази тиазолил-хидразона (HLS1 и HLS2) су синтетисани директном реакцијом лиганада са Zn(NO3)2 ∙ 4H2O у метанолу. Комплекси су добијени у облику монокристала и структура им је решена применом рендгенске структурне анализе. Комплекси [Zn(HLS1)2](NO3)2·H2O (1-NO3) и [Zn(HLS2)2](NO3)2·CH3OH·H2O (2-NO3) имају дисторговану октаедарску геометрију при чему су за јон Zn(II) меридијално координована два неутрална лиганда (Слика 1). У спољној сфери комплекса се налазе нитратни јони и молекули кристалних растварача. Лиганди су координовани тридендатно преко пиридинског, иминског и тиазоловог атома азота, формирајући два петочлана хелатна прстена око централног металног јона. Кристално паковање комплекса засновано је на класичним и некласичним водоничним интеракцијама, као и ароматичним стекинг интеракцијама. Експерименти дифракције X-зрака са узорака праха потврдили су да су добијени једнофазни производи. Анализа типова и дистрибуције нековалентних интеракцја у чврстом агрегатном стању је урађена рачунарским методама конструкције Хиршфилдових површина и дводимензионалних псеудосиметричних графикона отисака прстију.New zinc (II) complexes with thiazolyl-hydrazone-based ligands (HLS1 and HLS2) were synthesized by direct reaction of ligands with Zn(NO3)2 ∙ 4H2O in methanol. The com-plexes were obtained in the form of single crystals and their structures were solved by X-ray structural analysis. Complexes [Zn(HLS1)2](NO3)2·H2O (1-NO3) and [Zn(HLS2)2](NO3)2·CH3OH·H2O (2-NO3) have a distorted octahedral geometry with two neutral meridionally coordinated ligands (Figure 1). In the outer sphere of the complexes there are nitrate ions and molecules of crystalline solvents. The ligands were coordinated tridentally via the pyridine, imine, and thiazole nitrogen atoms, forming two five-membered chelate rings around the central metal ion. The crystal packaging of the complex is based on classical and non-classical hydrogen interactions, as well as aro-matic stacking interactions. Powder X-ray diffraction experiments confirmed that single-phase products were obtained. The analysis of types and distribution of noncovalent interactions in the solid state was performed by computational methods of construction of Hirschfield surfaces and two-dimensional pseudo-symmetric fingerprint plots

    Developing Serbian 3D Cadastre System - Challenges and Directions

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    The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that do not support unequivocal registration and visualization of complex 3D property situations or complex objects located on/below several parcels, especially in urban areas. Within this study, we analyzed and documented specific situations concerning registration challenges for the current cadastral system in the Republic of Serbia.Furthermore, the analysis of additional functionalities which will enable overcoming the limitations of the current cadastre in the short to the medium-termtime period is represented. Themain objective is to use the current cadastral data and procedures as far as possible in order to keep the transition smoother and economicallyfeasible. Having in mindthis objective,thevariation ofthe hybridapproach as the solution for Serbian 3D real estate cadastrewas analyzed. One of the preliminary assumptions of this research is that it is possible to develop a systemthat is simple enoughforimplementationand maintenance,but at the same comprehensive enough to overcome the difficulties ofthe current real estate cadastre.Within the case study,3D objects based ondata currently provided by licensed surveying agenciesare presented